Sunday, July 11, 2010

A bit of this and that

Lets start with the cute.... of course they are, aren't they. A rare occasion - these 2 playing nicely together, probably because 2 of their 3 other siblings spent a couple of nights at Nans. I always seem to be posting pics about these 2 but with BJ and Tman gone for a couple of days it was amazing how many times I went to say "Beej, how about.... or Tman do you think...." etc . Little lightbulbs moments like this remind me how much I love and miss my kids so much when they are not around and reminds me why we have such a big family. I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure it may be a little out of the ordinary but hey it works for us.
And we bought a new car, well not new but new to us. Its a loooong way from new, but its in such good condition and only 43 000 km's on the clock and best of all its a 10 seater so room for a few more in there :)

T o say that Darren loves her would be somewhat of an understatement. She has been dubbed old Bessie.

And last but not least my craft for the last couple of weeks. First off - a Shalom cardigan for me. Its my first ever adult size garment and I love it, I do believe i may be knitting for myself more often

And a handbag and matching purse for a swap. Yes it is the bag style that I seem to make all the time but I did decide it was time for a little makeover and changed the handle as I did think the other style handle let the bag down a bit. I may change the handles more as time goes on but I do quite like this style. The purse I did as a little challenge to myself. I have had the pattern and frame for ages and because the pattern was quite hard to read and understand I had never attempt it, but hey you gotta start somewhere, so it worked out ok, not perfect but not bad if I do say so myself. In fact I think I may have to make one for myself soon.