Sunday, October 24, 2010
Op shopping and puppies
Some very successful shopping at the local lifeline this week. I picked up this cupboard thing - no it does not match anything else we own but I really liked it and for $10 how could I say no. i am sure it will be put to good use.
My next op shop bargain - this wardrobe, destined to contain the new babies things, it needs a bit of work but the bones are good and I just love the shape and again $20 how could I let it go? Other bargains obtained this week are a commercial grill/cooker - just perfect for a large family - i can't help but picture the amazing hamburgers we will be cooking on this. Also although i have no idea if it works or how to use it - a knitting machine, I will have to try and download an instruction manual, it looks very confusing with lots and lots of little pieces. it may sit here gather dust for a while before I muster the courage to try and work it out but at $8 again how could I go past it.
And finally - do you think the dogs were a big hit, they are very much loved already, a great addition to our bunch!
Posted by nadine at 4:35 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
birthday girl
I really should have posted on Friday because that was Delaney Rose's 8th birthday, but we had a great time and I am only just catching up with this today. As you can see one of her gifts was this guitar and she loves it, she got some amazing gifts and is really growing up. Where has my baby girl gone?, but I really can't complain, she is growing into a beautiful, young girl. Isn't this just brotherly love at its best? I love this photo.

Posted by nadine at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
no news is good news
I seem to be suffering bloggers block or somthing along those lines at the moment. It seems to be a combination of time, motivation and quite frankly nothing to say. I am sure my life is not that boring....okay who am I kidding it is definitely that boring and I guess I don't need to inflict that boredom on everyone else by writing about it :)
Finally I have made something for the belly fruit - a little colourful blanket, a little smaller than I would have hoped but I had no other ideas for this wool. and speaking of the bellyfruit - here is another action shot, not too much different from the 13 week shot. We are now at 18 weeks and doing well. Ultrasound next week will hopefully tell us if it is a boy or girl belly fruit so we are madly trying to come up with a boys name just in case, girls name is sorted but we are really struggling with a boys name.
Posted by nadine at 6:14 PM 0 comments